As spring is in full swing, you might be pondering over the best time to water your lawn in April. When watering your lawn during the season, It is advisable to wait until the days become consistently hot and dry before initiating the watering process.
You can also hold off until your lawn begins to show signs of thirst before you start providing it with moisture as it will recover quickly once you water it thoroughly.
However, just watering at the optimal time will not provide the healthiest grass, there are other spring jobs you must do to get the greenest grass. We have outlined the best lawn care tips that you should consider for the spring season.
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If the weather is warm, gardeners should continue mowing their lawns as grass will begin to grow at temperatures above five degrees. When mowing, adjust the cutting height to its maximum, and only mow if the grass is completely dry.
Mowing a damp lawn can cause problems for both the lawn mower and the lawn, so it should be avoided. Garden expert Monty Don backed this tip about cutting your grass, reports the Express.
The expert recently sent out his April newsletter in which he shared some important gardening tips to remember throughout the month as we get closer to summer.
In his message to fans, Monty Don said: "Set the blades high and just trim the grass for the first few weeks as much to even it out as to reduce it. Then, as the weather gets warmer and the grass starts to grow more strongly, gradually reduce the height over a few weeks but always keeping it slightly on the long side. This will result in a much healthier, greener sward."
Another helpful tip is, if your lawn is heavily shaded, it may retain too much moisture over time and develop a moss fungus. The most effective long-term solution is to entirely cut or limb the trees in your lawn
Alternatively, you can rake up the moss. A hard rake can be used, but an aluminium rake is said to work the best.