A notorious cat famed for embarking on epic adventures due to its fearless wandering streak has finally been reunited with its relieved owners three months after being ejected from a Torbay nightclub. Famous feline Teddie, a very friendly ginger one-year-old cat, has his own Facebook page due to his exploits which have included boldly jumping into vehicles such as an ambulance, taxi and random cars, and strolling into venues from barbers to shops.
On January 18, he made a late-night visit to Soho Bar and had to be carried out by one of its bouncers. Ever since then his whereabouts have remained a mystery, despite numerous appeals to locate him. His owner, Robyn Waring, who lives in Ellacombe, has received reports of different sightings of Teddie since his disappearance but none have led to any success until this week.
On Wednesday, April 10, Robyn announced on Teddie's Facebook page, The Adventures of Teddie, that he was in the safe hands of local animal charity Hector's House Cat Rescue and that they were 'absolutely ecstatic' he had been found.
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She said: "Teddie was found on Abbey Road crying and then followed a lovely lady called Ashlea up to St Luke's Road where she then called Hector's house who came to scan him. Now I don't like to assume but Teddie is very plump and looks well cared for so unfortunately that leads me to believe someone took him which in all honesty I did think is what may have happened.
"However, I did always hold onto a tiny hope that Teddie, as you all know by now, cannot be kept in for long and would eventually escape which he obviously did."
Explaining why it is so hard to keep tabs on Teddie, she said: "I know I'll get comments saying to keep him as an indoor cat and yes, after this, I would love to never let the little bugger out of my sight again but this just proves you cannot keep him in. I will however be keeping him in for a while. I have actually duct-taped my cat flap shut as it's been broken for a little while.
"I will be looking into some sort of tracking device for Teddie in the long run so if anyone has any recommendations please let me know. I don't feel a collar would be an option as we've all seen people seem to have no issue with taking it off."
Relieved to have him back, she said: "I just keep staring at him; I'm in such shock with it. Please, please microchip your chats. We would never have gotten him back I don't think without this. Thank you so much Hector's House."
She added: "Teddie has been barricaded in for the foreseeable just to let you know but unfortunately, as you know, he will need to be let out at some point so I'm sure you haven't seen the last of him."
Teddie is now said to be happily at home 'chilling' with his brother Jasper who is not much better behaved and has also been rescued by Hector's House.
It has led Robyn to launch a fundraiser in aid of Hector's House. It has so far raised just over £500. She has also launched an additional fundraiser to buy Teddie a tracker. So far she has raised £190.
The page states: "So here is the highly requested GoFundMe page for Teddie to have a tracker! I've been looking into the different trackers and we have settled on the Tractive. thank you to those who also recommend this.
"They retail at £44.99. I have put the goal at £90 purely so I can buy two for him because unfortunately, I cannot guarantee someone will not pinch it. Thank you to everyone who has asked me to set up this page."
Robyn has had Teddie since he was a kitten. The first time we put in a catflap he went to Appleby's bar in Torquay.
Just before Christmas, he brazenly strolled into Sovereign Tattoo Studio in Babbacombe. Luckily he didn't come home with his first tattoo.
And last November, he was caught breaking into Upton St James Primary School. He managed to climb through a small gap in the fence and ran through a classroom and into the school office. After some cuddles, he was put back in a safe location but quickly returned much to the delight of the pupils.
To donate to the fundraiser in aid of Hector's House please click here. To donate to the fundraiser in aid of Teddie's tracker please click here.